Thursday, September 17, 2009

Elvin Bishop

Things I stopped doing once I got married:

*Dating women I wasn't married to.

Things I stopped doing when Maggie was born:

*Wondering if I was sterile.

*Wondering what it felt like to be a Dad.

Things I stopped doing once I got a full-time job:

*Watching Maggie and Connor (when he got home at noon from kindergarten).

Things I stopped doing once the twins came along:

*Sleeping all night.

*Wanting to go on business trips (poor Carrie had all four 24/7 while I was gone; sometimes the trip was so cool [snorkeling, spa, great dinners] I tried not to talk about it).

*Wanting more kids.

*Wanting fewer kids.

*Taking my time while changing a baby (Gavin got me good with his attachment once. Once.).

Things I stopped doing when I got laid off and became a Senyor Madre:

*Keeping up with The New Yorker (I am now three months behind; business trips and lunchtimes kept me at a month behind).

*Earning money.

*Wondering why my wife would call me every day around 4 p.m. exasperated, and be mad at me for getting to drive to work and back all alone.

*Wishing I had more time with the cuties and to play catch with the Conman.

*Worrying about my weight and gut (getting to gym 5 times a week now).

*Sitting on my ass five days a week.

*Listening to internet radio.

*Wearing pants.

*Wishing I could start a blog.

Ok, gotta go continue the job hunt. This time I think I'll scare one out of the tall grass right into the waiting pack.

On the advice of a teacher friend, I have begun applying to ESL jobs even though I am five classes short of the ESL certification, and will not have completed them until next summer. There is that much of a shortage, he says, as if that wasn't apparent by the fact that National Louis U. is offering ESL classes at two-thirds less than regular courses.

You can tell I'm excited.


  1. With such a great looking family, it would be hard for me to go back to work

  2. You'll aleays look back on this time, not so uch about being the breadwinner as the inescapable opportunity of being around and helping to raise you beautiful kids. Not many Dads get to do that. You've been given a one-in-a-million gift of totally bonding with your kids. They'll always remember this time for sure. Count your blessings, trust me, it's not always about money, trips or belongings. love ya Mum
