Friday, March 26, 2010


Poor Gavin's head had quite a week, and the damn thing is, with the way blows to the bean work, we'll never know how he's affected until he's 7 or so. No way you can judge if a 3-year-old's smarts are affected by concussive action. For the good or the bad.

First, on his request, he got his head shaved by Carrie and me. Then, later that day, at Monkey Joe's, he stayed too long at the end of the slide and then looked back as Darcy's feet biffed his right eye. Thought it would be a shiner for sure but turned into only two scrape marks. I really only have three rules at that place--we didn't come here to gape at the flashing lights and push buttons in the video arcade, only one ICEE for sharing, and get the hell out of the way at the end of a slide.

Halfway through the week, I threw squishy balls off Gavin's head repeatedly while the wee ones and I played something involving me throwing a ball and them chasing it indoors. I wouldn't do it if the ball wasn't soft.

I'm sure he banged into things along the way as well, but today I saw Darcy push him into a playground post. There was a metallic sound, and he grabbed his head and cried, so this one was confirmed. Without hair, his noggin is looking like a toddler's legs--happily marked with dark spots from playtime collisions.

And describing a bruise to them is fun, too. I think I have it right--a knock that doesn't break the skin but causes bleeding underneath, thus the discoloration. You could have bruise-free legs, sweetie, but then you might not have any fun. What would you rather have, bruises and fun or flawless skin while you watch?

We'll see how Gavin answers that when he comes to.

1 comment:

  1. That's the mark of real fun when you've got bruises to show for your time out. Good to see a post, still waiting to see the photos Ana sent, I'm feeling left out Joefus, help!
