Monday, September 7, 2009

Jeff Healey Band

Hey, I forgot to celebrate my 20th post!

I think one of these days I'm going to leave in all the typos. I never learned to type the right way--took one class at U. of Idaho, and five years later started a career in writing really fast and accurately. One of those things where you get good at doing something the wrong way, like folks who couldn't find anything if they cleaned their desks. Since I've been blogging and commenting on FB and my favorite sports blog, The Big Lead, I can't accurately keep up with my thoughts.

But not tonight. No, tonight I want you to focus on something serious without being distracted by missplelings and impoprer usage or contractions that aren;t done good.

Of course, I'm referring to Things Parents Say or Do When They're Trying to Fake Being Interested in What Their Kid(s) are Saying/Doing.

You may not feel comfortable admitting it, but you've got me to admit it for you, and better, to analyze and take it deep.

You love your computer and TV time; you work long hours and want to zone out or catch up when you get home. Or you're job-hunting and don't want to wait until 9 pm, when it's quiet and you are free.

But those little ones have an eager wish to play with you or have you read to them or show you what they're building/drawing or fascinate you with something SpongeBob said/did. What to do (in case you're a newbie)?

Here are some of my sayings and actions, which buy time or make them think you woke up or came home feeling refreshed and ready for many hours of quality time (works best with 3-and-under):

"And what do you think of that?"

"And then what happened?"

"Oh yeah?"

"No way"

Get on floor and wrestle and tickle for a minute, then get back to your PC/book/show.

"Stop it!"

"No hitting!"

"That's the trigger guard."

"Wow, what is that, a spaceship?"

"Oh, a doggie. That is the best doggie I've seen in the past two minutes."

"What is that guy doing?"

"Oh, what is that girl doing?"

You see, not so hard. And one day it occurs to you that these are things that you do with grown-ups all day at work, anyway.

Get out there and give it a go. I'll be here if you need me.


  1. These are words to live by. All we Dad's have to do is show some interest. I can remember when I was growing up on the farm, I had wanted my father to show some interest. He was too busy or too tired to do to much of anything. He had a business to run and there wasn't much time for anything else. I have tried very hard not to let history repeat itself with my children. With all that has happened in the last 5 years with my life and theirs, I am always feeling guilty about not being there for them. Even now, now that the dust has settled, I sometimes find myself doing the same thing my father did when I was young. It doesn't take me long to remember how it was way back when and I get back on track. It only takes a few minutes sometimes to let them know you love them. Its the little things that will stick with them for a lifetime. Joe keep up the good work. Pete


    search for El Nig on face book

  3. Others that we've tried:
    I'd like to see you draw a picture of "that"!
    Bring me the book, and show me what you mean
    See if you can gather 5 of those and line them up in a row
    look around in the toy box for 5 green/blue/ yellow things
    Can you find all the white things in that giant pile of dirty laundry and put them all in this basket?

  4. This is GOTG from TBL. You can email me at
